Who Changes Your Point of View?
There are so many aspects of being human that are personal to each of us; our dreams and aspirations, our day-to-day likes and dislikes, our hearts, and each of these can be influenced by outside sources. Our hearts may be lead by our friends and families, our dreams may be altered by a favourite musician or a work of fiction, the daily matters can come from work colleagues, housemates or a random passer-by. But who changes our point of view? Who leads our opinions, our ethics and our views on the world around us? Friends? Families? Musicians or fictional characters? Colleagues or housemates or random passers? Then of course there’s the media, politicians and community leaders, or even celebrities and cults! We’re living in devisive times, it’s a time where your point of view can be vital to how you go through life, be careful who you let change it!
Telling Stories
When I’m considering a concept (in this case, ‘Who changes your point of view?’) I’ll always start with pencil drawing, I think better in pencil, but I’ll also consider how to deal with that concept in a story. I like to think a single illustration can be a snapshot of a great story, you don’t need to tell the before and after, for the illustration to serve it’s function. In this illustration we don’t need to know who these three characters are, what they believe or where they’re going in life. But right now, at this moment, we know they’re working to alter a point of view.
A little note :
“What can’t AI do?”
I have been pondering the threats of AI, as we all have, and thinking how to beat it, asking myself... what can't AI do??
Firstly, it can't hand-craft anything, but for me as a digital artist that's perhaps not my advantage against the robots. And secondly, from what I've seen, AI is short on great ideas, real sparky visual concepts with originality, integrity and authenticity. So this year I'm dedicating a little extra to concepts and great, original, human ideas.
If you’d like to work together then please do get in touch!